What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

This was an incredibly difficult event. From the time SERVPRO of Bloomfield/Enfield arrived (at night and working through the night) we all felt that everything would be okay. SERVPRO not only did their job so well, they provided peace of mind. All SERVPRO staff members were kind and courteous and understood what we were going through. They went above and beyond what I could have anticipated. 

"I just wanted to thank Nate for moving so quickly. He connected me with Alex who sent down Phil, a carpenter and Eric, a prep man. They removed the upper cabinets and started the drying and cleaning process. Both Phil and Eric were very professional. Thanks for the great service."

"Great job by everyone! I'm definitely recommending SERVPRO to others."

"SERVPRO Bloomfield/Enfield is a great company to work with, especially Ralph DiCristofaro, the owner. Ralph was very helpful and understanding."

"Brandon and his crew from SERVPRO Bloomfield/Enfield were great!"

"I like the way they are!"

David P and the SERVPRO Bloomfield/Enfield team members were very thorough and professional. I highly recommend them.

Justin and Jose were very courteous and kind and did a fantastic job. I'm thankful to have had these two courteous, competent and good workers come to my home.