What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

Maria's crew did a fantastic job of cleaning and restoring my East Granby, CT home today. I didn't know that they were coming and was very happy to see them. I was about to send you a photo of the walls when they rang the doorbell. The industrial-strength cleaner and their enthusiastic application worked wonders. I know it was a challenging task and I was dreading the thought of spending many hours trying to clean the room myself. Thank you for making it possible for me to go forward to moving my husband to safety and a bedroom on the first floor. Way to go SERVPRO in East Granby! I will highly recommend your services to my friends.

"Your worker, Ms. Brandy is fantastic and is going places in her life. I would swear she hung the moon, she is so exceptional...Her management skills are amazing."

I am so grateful to have such a kind, caring, and professional person as you to help on our house cleaning project. Your leadership and attention to detail made a big difference.

I want to express my appreciation for your attentiveness to our cleanup job. You got the project up and running quickly which is critical to my health. Stopping by on a daily basis was also very helpful.

...a big thank you. We are so pleased with the outcome. The house sparkles. Everyone was so professional and friendly. It made us feel relieved that the SERVPRO of Bloomfield/Enfield crew took such pride and care.

Just want to thank you so very much for your prompt help for my Momma in her crisis.

She is alone and her health is failing. It's so hard to watch. She is very stubborn and wants to stay in her home. So...When this mess was found she was so upset and did not know where to turn.

Her asthma has seemed better since the cleanup. I can't thank you enough. She is on a very strict income. Your help was so kind.